
Hyperloop Concept | Working of Hyperloop

What is Hyperloop Concept: 

What is a hyperloop?
In Musk’s words, a hyperloop is a system to “build a tube over or under the ground that contains a special environment.” Cars would basically be propelled in this tube. One example could be a huge sort of pneumatic tube where high-speed fans would compress and push the air — although the friction implications make Musk skeptical that it would work. Another option is having a vacuum in the tube and using electromagnetic suspension instead. Musk acknowledges it is hard to maintain a vacuum (one small leak in hundreds of miles of tubing, and the system shuts down), but there are pumping solutions to overcome this. He favors the second solution.
hyperloop concept

How does it work?
Hyperloop has four key features.
1) The passenger capsules aren’t propelled by air pressure like in vaccuum tubes, but by two electromagnetic motors. It is aimed to travel at a top speed of 760 miles per hour.
2) The tube tracks do have a vaccuum, but not completely free of air. Instead, they have low pressure air inside of them.


Most things moving through airtubes will end up compressing the air in the front thus, providing a cushion of air that slows the object down. But the hyperloop will feature a compressor fan in the front of the capsule. The compressor fan can redirect air to the back of the capsule, but mostly air will be sent to the air bearings.
3) Air bearings are ski like paddles that levitate the capsules above the surface of the tube to reduce friction.
4) The tube track is designed to be immune to weather and earthquakes. They are also designed to be self-powering and unobsrtuctive. The pillars that rise the tube abobe the ground have a small foot-print that can sway in the case of an earthquake. Each of the tube sections can move around flexibly of the train ships because there isn’t a constant track that capsules rely on.
This concept presents some interesting benefits for our perceptions of transportation, including:

  • Transporting Sustainably. Nearly every one of our transportation methods involve some kind of output that has a negative effect on the environment. So what happens when you ditch the fossil fuels, and embrace a transportation system that can be powered fully by solar  and a propulsion system that works through magnetism and air pressure?

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